
Myday Tuesday

Teen nyt tälläsen myday-postauksen joita näkyy paljon blogeissa, ja tää on vähä typerää ku en oo tehny yhtää mitää tänää mut no näättepä kuinka helppoa/rentoo tän vaihtarin elostelu tääl todellisuudessa on.

Eli niiin ja tää on siis sieltä uudesta perheestä, jonne muutin sunnuntain. Tää on eka perhe jos ei oo ollenkaa host sisaruksii, mut sitäkin ihanemmat vanhemmat! Asun Tarcoola Beachilla, ja niinku kuvistaki huomaa talo on ihan rannalla. Tä avaa ihan koko kaupungin uusin silmin, ku tääl on ehkä vähän enemmän hienostomeininkii ku muualla ja onha toi törkeen siistii asuu iha meren rannal. Tuol muual kaupungis on jotenki nii kuivaa ja kuumaa ja porukka aina valittelee et oispa rahaa asuu Perthis yms. mut tää on kiva, ja oon ilone et saan kokee tänki puolen Gerosta. Love it!

Tänään heräsin 8.44 Emmin soittoon ja lähin lenkille.


Lenkin jälkeen aamupalaa naamariin ja host-äiti lähti asioille joten oli vähän omaa aikaa. Päätin laittaa poreet tonne ammeeseen ja rentoutuu hetkisen.


Katoin salkkarit ennakkoon ja rentouduin vähä lisää mun uuden huvin parissa. Nimittäi erilaisii videobogei selaillen, oon aina kelannu youtubee vaan sivustona jos on musavideoita yms. settii mut nyt paremmin siihe tutustuen oon huomannu sen olevan iha oma yhteisönsä. Okei ehkä mul on liikaa aikaa täällä, mut niin kauan ku en ite rupee vlogaa eikai siinä mitää.

Näil on maailman paras kahvikone ja sit tein tollasta epämääräsen näköstä Laksa-keittoo. Saaks sitä suomesta? Sairaaaan hyvää.

Loppupäivän chillasin vaa ja mentiin Calin (koira) kans iltalenkille.


Syötiin illallinen (20.30 -yks juttu jota venaan himasta on kyl normaalit ruoka-ajat) ja katottii Celebrity Splash. Joka on muuten maailman typerin show

Eli sellanen tiistai päivä :)
Lähtö safarille on jo ens viikolla, wääÄ!




Southern Safari

So we did a little 'southern safari' with my host parents on the week after Easter. All together we did about 3000km driving, which is a fair bit :) And Im going down to Perth tomorrow again, Lol. It was still bloody worth for it, one of my top memes in Australia indeed!
We all actually went to Perth over Easter and came ba
ck on Monday and then went down again on the next day only with my h-parents.
 First night (Tuesday) we just stayed in our Perth apartment and then headed to the outback early on Wednesday morning. Our first destination was Hyden, The Waves Rock is located just there. We did some walking there too but it was so unpleasant because of the heat (haha yeh i know you had -11 yesterday in turku:D) so we just had our lunch there and headed to Stirling Range. We got there quite late so we ate and went to sleep.

flat landscape of WA

Australia post office
 Next day was our exercise day, we hiked to Bluff Knoll! It's the second biggest hill in Western Australia and it was 1100m high. The track was actually 3.1km to the top though. On winter there might be some snow falls and stuff but oobviously we did not face any.

Lucky we had a cool weather

Last few steps..

Finally reached the peak hahaha

I won't write everything what we did and saw, otherwise this'll take forever but out next destination was Denmark so we drove there. It was a shame that it was raining and cold because I really got love with Denmark. Such a beautiful little town, one of my favourites what I've seen in Australia :)

The following day we  did  the Tree Top Walk on our way to Pemberton. It was so beautiful (and painful to our sore legs) but also quite scary too. We Geraldto's people were so amazed of the vegetation because in Mid-West the ground is so brown and dry. It's like a different ountry down south!

On saturday we went to Nannup for lunch and there was some ralley competition there. It was full of people and cars. What a serendipity ;)
 We also climed to the Diamond Tree!

 We spent two nights in Pemberton. It was the best because i was so sick of the heat and it was quite chilly out there so we enjoyed of the fireplace and i put my woolly socks on.
Next day at first we climbed to Glousester Tree (or i have no idea howto spell). I dont have a photo of that now but it was similar to the other one, just higher (60m). Then we had a lunch in Augusta and up to Busselton through Margaret River etc. (where i had the horrible outdoor ed camp if you remember)
freaking cold water in Augusta, comes straight from Antarctica

Karri Forest explorers
On Monday we did little sight seeing in Busselton and went to see my host parents old vineyards in Harvey on the way back to Perth.

Lisää kuvateksti
 And then my camera had flat battery so i dont have any proves what we did the rest of the day but like i said just back to  perth. But (mom) dont worry i have plenty of photos in my host mom's camera which i'll put to my laptop.

Because of the camera i couldnt take any photos from yesterday, we did a day trip to Rottnest Island with exchange students. But it was a great day :)

See yaa,